Fields: Configure Navigators

Configure Navigators lists all of the possible navigators for a specific facet. Depending on the facet, the navigators in the list may be very long or very short.

Navigators are the options that appear below the facets when a search has been performed. The navigator that display depend on the search term that has been entered. Users can click a navigator to either limit the results by that navigator or to exclude the navigator from the results. You can limit the navigators that display for a specific facet. For example, you can remove a specific library navigator from the Library facet to hide the library and its results in a profile in which items from that library are not available.

Profiles > Manage Facet Display > Configure Displayed Values


Displays a list of all the available navigators for the facet. Choosing a navigator to display presents that navigator as an option below the facet in the Narrow your results sidebar in Searching.

To add navigators to this facet , you can select or multiselect one or more navigators and then choose the Select button, or you can double-click individual navigators to move them to the Selected list.


Displays the list of navigators selected for this facet. The selected navigators appear under the facet in the Narrow your results sidebar in Searching.

Note: Facets only display in the Narrow your results sidebar if there is one or more navigator associated with that facet. If only one navigator is available for a given set of search results, the software will display the search results, but no navigators will appear in the Narrow your results sidebar.

Note: If you choose not to display any navigators for the facet, then the facet will not display to patrons in the Narrow your results sidebar.

To remove navigators from this facet, you can select or multiselect one or more facets and then choose the Remove button, or you can double-click individual facets to move them to the Available Facets list.

You can also configure the order in which the facets display in the Narrow your results sidebar by selecting a single facet and using the arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list.

To add, remove, or reorder facets in the list, choose the facet and then use these buttons:

Option Description


Moves the selected facet from the Available Facets list to the Selected Facets list as the last item.


Removes the selected facet from the Selected Facets list and returns it to the Available Facets list as the last item.

Move Up

Moves the selected facet up one position in the Selected Facets list.

Note: If you select the first facet in the current list, this action is disabled.

Move Down

Moves the selected facet down one position in the Selected Facets list.

Note: If you select the last facet in the current list, this action is disabled.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which facet(s) you choose and which action you are trying to perform. For example, if you select a facet from the Available Facets list, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are disabled because those actions are not available for available facets. If you select a facet from the Selected Facets list, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are enabled because those actions are available for selected facets.

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